My roots
Where am I coming from/
Not quite an introduction to who I am, but rather a brief description of the enhanced origin of my passion for food...
The story of my life would be a bit long to describe here, besides, who I am does not really matter, it’s what we do that defines us. Slowly but surely food started to dominate my life, whether it was by enjoying or repulsing it, in the end this is what drives me in my quest for quality food. With all due respect, while working in the FMCG business a couple of years ago, I realised that being mainly economically driven we’ve completely lost touch with food and the importance of its quality. I decided to leave it all behind and went back to school to study to become a cook. Ever since I’ve been growing towards this smaller segment of the market that recognizes the value of good food and where the production and our ecological involvement really matter, in growing proportions.

Where are we going/
Kitchenroots tells you the story about a passion, but it also represents something bigger, it's somehow a more tangible tool to get to a greater purpose…
My aim is to build a higher awareness in society when it comes to the quality of our food and the time spent in the kitchen and around the table; it is about sharing and so much more. Working towards a healthier life for both people and planet, I believe we should slow down the pace of life and focus on a quality life with a higher level of consciousness and more respect towards each other and our precious nature. My mission in one sentence; I want to make quality food available to everyone, in favour of both people’s and planet’s health. Together, we make a difference!
My sense of social and ecological engagement drive me every day to look for those products that fit my ideology best, which is not always an easy task in this consumption driven society. I’m not better or more Catholic than the Pope of course, but where I can, I will chose for the most suited solution.

About Kitchenroots/
Breaking down the name could give you a clue about what it stands for, here's a look beyond its limited interpretation...
Over the last few years my passion for food has grown tremendously and I’ve pushed myself to explore the world through the kitchen. They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, isn’t it? In the mean time I’ve travelled to Sweden, Austria and Italy and have had quite some working experiences in Belgium to improve my cooking skills and to take a bite of their local cuisine and culture. And that is something I’m longing to share, in the hope to inspire others and to motivate them to participate in our common project. That’s why today I’ve created Kitchenroots, it’s partly a blog, but I want to make something bigger than that. The “roots of the kitchen” refer to valuing every step of the foodchain that leads to a finished product. We ought to forget that pasta made from eggs and flower is the result of the love and passion of at least two different farmers for their own particular produce. For this reason only, if for no other, food should never be wasted! Kitchenroots offers stories, about them, about interesting cooking experiences and products, but is also a place to share recipes and to offer products developed with partners who believe in the same cause.

My name is Charles Wailly, and I'm a dreamer...
I believe food is not just what you eat, food is about sharing, about loving, it's about you and me, it defines us.
Food is what moves me, and I'd be just glad to share all this hapiness with you.
"Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are"
Love your story, love your passion ! Cooking and food isn't about putting things together in a place called kitchen and fill an empty stomach. It's about respect for products and those who produce them, and love for the people who you'll feed. Good luck charles, I'm already fan !
Bonjour Charles,quelle surprise!! C'est ta mère qui m'a envoyé ton link sans me dire ce que c'était. C'est génial ce que tu fais,bravo,
Salut Charles,
Agréablement surpris par ton site. Je suis en train d'hésiter entre la crème de carottes et le "Kougelhopf". Avec mes talents de cuisinier, je crois que je vais me limiter à la dégustation... Bonne continuation!
Very nice website!!can't wait to enjoy the food march 14...
all the best!!
Curious to try it out !!! Bonne continuation :-)