A mild carrot crème flavoured with cumin and coriander
- 850 grams of peeled carrots (about 1 kg of carrots)
- 4 grams of cumin powder
- 4 grams of coriander powder
- 4 to 6 grams of salt
- 0,4 grams of Xantana
Xantana is a natural product issued from corn starch and is used to thicken, but also to emulsify and works as a stabilizer. Here it is used to hold the liquid in order to obtain a solid carrot crème*.
Peel the carrots and cut them equally in rings.
Put them in a closed tin foil package in a preheated oven at 150°C for about two hours.
Blend the carrots and pass it through a sieve. Mix it with the coriander, the cumin, the salt and the Xantana.
The carrot crème is ready to be served with a dish of your choice, to read how we served it, have a look at our episode Chef sotto il Portico.
Buon appetito!
Recipe credit to Nicolas Decloedt, chef at restaurant Eat Love in Ghent (Belgium).
*The use of Xantana and other products that lift cooking to a higher gastronomic level have mainly been introduced in professional cooking by Albert and Ferran Adrià, former owners of the world-renowned Spanish restaurant El Bulli. El Bulli was, it has been closed since 2011, one of the only restaurants ever in Spain to obtain 3 Michelin stars and has been declared to be world’s best restaurant for no less then 5 times, which is up to now an absolute record. The Danish restaurant Noma by Rene Redzepi can emulate this record in 2015. The company created by the Adrià-brothers is called Texturas, to learn more about their products you can click here for a direct link to their website.