Ann Vansteenkiste
Ann emphasizes the beneficial properties of tea for body, mind and spirit, when choosing the appropriate water and tea that is. Once, she even told me tea saved her life, that should say enough on how important it has become for her. And actually, I can understand it, because when you really get into it, tea has quite a lot of good properties, its invigoration being only one of them. After years and years of reading and immersion in the history of this 5000-year-old drink, not only did she become the reference for tea in the best restaurants in Belgium, she also inspired thousands of people through her courses and lectures. For Ann, tea is more then drinking, it brings you this inner peace and serenity, as a part of a daily mediation. It’s no surprise why tea is so important in the Asian cultures, it goes hand in hand with their conscious way of living, and this philosophy is thankfully also growing in our Western society. Ann is very strict in selecting her tea, it took her several years to find the tea fields where no chemicals are used and where workers have balanced working days and get a fair wage. That’s why we connected in the first place when I took one of her courses, she selects quality over quantity, and contributes considerably to a growing level of consciousness when to our social and ecological responsibility. In the meantime, Ann has already written two successful books, and gets invited all over the country to do what she does best; share her knowledge about tea, even on national television. Some like to call her a tea sommelier... If you’re curious to know more about her tea, go ahead and click on the link bellow, but also keep an eye on our website, we might offer a limited tea selection of our own with the help of this expert. (to be updated soon) (in Dutch)

In her second published book she elaborates on foraging herbs for a herbal infusion with lovely flowery aromas. You can see a short introduction to the book by clicking here.

Ann was amongst us when we went to collect the first cacao beans in Blankenberge, it's always a pleasure to have her around. The man in the middle is Arjen, captain of the ship. This picture was taken by the talented Frederik Cornelis, as were others in our episode Captain Chocolate.